VRML 2.0 Sourcebook Home
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Radiance Software

Ez3d 2.0
Category VRML Authoring Application
Type Demo
Platforms HP, SGI, Sun, Win95, WinNT
VRML Support VRML 1.0 (see Notes)
Folder ez3d
Information ez3d/ez3d.htm and ez3d/specs.htm
Installation HP, SGI, Sun Installation is controlled by a set of shell scripts and binaries:
  • ez3d/unix/install (script)
  • ez3d/unix/_MC.RS (script)
  • ez3d/unix/hp/ez3di (HP binary)
  • ez3d/unix/hp/install (script)
  • ez3d/unix/sgi/ez3di (SGI binary)
  • ez3d/unix/sgi/install (script)
  • ez3d/unix/sun/ez3di (Sun binary)
  • ez3d/unix/sun/install (script)

Copy these files to your hard disk, chmod each of them to add execute permission, then run ez3d/unix/install. After checking the host type, the scripts run install and ez3di, in the appropriate host type directory, then complete the install with a graphical user interface. You will need to have the root password.

Note: these shell scripts and binaries are provided by Radiance. Please contact them with problems or questions.

Win95, WinNT Run the file ez3d/win95nt/setup.exe to start the setup wizard and install the application.
Comments Radiance Ez3D is a full-featured VRML authoring application that enables you to create shapes, then place, orient, and scale them in your world. You can add color to shapes, and control texture mapping parameters in real-time. This enables you to do fine texture alignment so that the textures on a shape line up with those on another shape in your world.

Notes The version of Ez3D included on this CD-ROM only supports output in VRML 1.0 format. It cannot generate VRML 2.0 files (yet), such as those discussed in The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook.

Ez3D is provided on this CD-ROM so that you may try out its features in this version, then look forward to a forthcoming version that supports VRML 2.0. You are encouraged to check the Web site for Radiance Software to obtain information on future versions of Ez3D, and other Radiance Software software.

Using the current version of Ez3D, you can create components for a VRML 2.0 world by following these steps:

  • Build a VRML 1.0 component in Ez3D
  • Save the component in VRML 1.0 format
  • Use a VRML 1.0-to-2.0 converter to convert your component to VRML 2.0 format
  • Integrate the new VRML 2.0 component with your world

See the CD-ROM products listing for pointers to VRML 1.0-to-2.0 converters.

Ez3D 2.0 Textures
Category Texture Images
Type Sampler
Platforms Any
VRML Support N/A
Folder textures
Information The folder contains a set of sample GIF texture images that are supplied with the Ez3D demo application.
Installation N/A
Comments Radiance Ez3D comes with a set of sample GIF textures that you can use to texture map your shapes. This is an important added value provided by Radiance and one we have highlighted by placing a copy of the textures in the textures folder.

Product description copyright (c) 1997, Ames / Nadeau / Moreland.
Product material copyright (c) 1996, Radiance Software Corporation. All rights reserved.